Once Again MAVA Support Statewide Student Organizations

MAVA Colleagues,

Once again this year, the MAVA Board of Directors unanimously voted to support our very important statewide student organizations.

Our Executive Director reports that the Massachusetts FFA Association will use the funding this year to support their Annual State Convention which is the largest annual gathering of FFA members in Massachusetts.

Event sponsors are listed on the mobile app for the convention, as well as in event promotional materials. Sponsors are also acknowledged during general session announcements at the event. Having personally participated in the FFA Conventions on many occasions, it is truly a tremendous educational experience for our students. FFA is the premier youth organization preparing members for leadership and careers in the science, business, and technology of agriculture.

Our Massachusetts State Advisor is Kimberly LaFleur. Should you need additional information, please contact her directly.

FFA – An Organization for Students Studying Agriculture

Massachusetts FFA Association

135 Center Street

Dighton, MA 02715

Massachusetts State Advisor: Kimberly LaFleur

Email: MassFFADirector

David J. Ferreira

MAVA Communications Coordinator
