MAVA Extended Campus Summer 2024 Schedule Posted – Registration Opens April 8th

MAVA Members,

We are pleased to share this announcement from Sheila Harrity, MAVA Extended Campus Program Coordinator.

Please assist us by forwarding this notice to all members of your professional staff. Much appreciated!!


Course List for the Summer 2024 Extended Campus (Cohort)

The MAVA Extended Campus Program has posted the list of summer semester courses on the MAVA website under the Professional Development section. We are excited to announce that we will be offering 13 courses this summer. Courses will be offered in three different educational modalities: fully online, hybrid or face to face. Details about each course and the meeting dates and times are listed on the spring master schedule. In addition, definitions of course modality terms have been added for your reference. The definitions are also attached to this email. Please review the MAVA website for more details. The link is

If you are looking to register for the Sheltered English Immersion for Vocational Technical Educators course, it is offered in the fall and spring semester. Due to the curriculum requirements, this course is not available over the summer months.

Course registration will begin on Monday, April 8th at 7:00 a.m. Reminder- Registration is a 3-step process. The first step is to register for the course through the MAVA website. The MAVA registration process will then guide you to complete the registration process with FSU or Westfield State University. Lastly, you will pay for your course through PayPal. Please follow the instructions carefully and complete ALL steps. You have not successfully registered if you have not completed the 3-step process.

For MA DESE licensure questions, please review the information on this link Sheilaharrity. If you are looking for assistance with the registration process, please reach out to Cathy Montague at Cathymontague

Thank you,


Sheila M. Harrity, Ed.D

MAVA Extended Campus Program Coordinator