A Very Successful Advocacy Building Event


We are always excited to share activities that have proven successful in one or more of our MAVA schools. Today we are pleased to share a very successful advocacy building event from our colleagues at Old Colony Regional Voc-Tech.

You will find more information below and some photos.


AIorK4wta3gfoSmjJJZrLaX43kOvOxtKeFj2xFzU2-lAjggI510Osqz9B3HJVHwFEItekErAAxMFhzM Aaron L. Polansky

Old Colony Regional Vocational Technical High School

Apply Today at https://OldColony.go2cte.com

p: (508) 763-8011

a: 476 North Avenue, Rochester, MA 02770

w: apolansky

Connect. Create. Inspire.

David J. Ferreira

MAVA Communications Coordinator
