Maine Vocational Innovation Committee Visits Old Colony

MAVA Colleagues,

Aaron Polansky, Steve Sharek, & Dave Ferreira held a meeting at Old Colony Regional Voc-Tech on Thursday, November 21st hosting four (4) members of the Maine Vocational Innovation Committee. The educators from Maine wanted to learn more about how our Massachusetts Chapter 74 schools operate, how MAVA supports the schools, and a host of other issues.

The group included the President of MACTE (the Maine version of MAVA), and the State Director of CTE in the Maine Department of Education.

Dwight Littlefield, State Director for Career & Technical Education (DOE)

Shawn Lagasse, CTE specialist for the Maine Department of Education (DOE)

Amanda Peterson, Director at United Technologies Center in Bangor & President of Maine Administration of Career & Technical Education.

Matt West, Assistant Director of the Lewiston Regional Technical Center. Matt was the Vocational Director at Franklin County Tech prior to moving to Maine. He is the Chair of the Maine Vocational Innovation Committee.

The Innovation Committee is looking to reposition and grow the MACTE brand, and Matt had highly recommended to the group that they visit Massachusetts CTE schools and talk with MAVA representatives. His committee will ultimately file legislation to improve CTE in Maine. He has great support from business & industry leaders in Maine.

The discussion was led by Aaron and was very positive and appreciated by the members of the Innovation Committee. An array of topics was discussed to include admissions, co-operative education, recruitment, frameworks, teacher certification, summer programming, CTI and adult education, and methods of expanding enrollment.

As in Massachusetts and across the country, Maine is experiencing increased demand for CTE by parents and students. Unlike Massachusetts with Chapter 74 regional schools the model is based primarily on “Skills Centers”. As you are aware, this model results in large busing costs and non-instructional time for students.

It was very clear that a very positive and collaborative partnership exists between MACTE and the Maine Career & Technical Education Department (DOE).

Some potential outcomes of the visit may include Maine teachers and administrators participating in Connecting for Success and other MAVA events and meetings.

Quite certain additional information will be shared at a future MAVA Board of Directors’ Meeting.

Aaron, Steve, & David