EXTERNAL Fw: Check out these PICS!! MassCTE Update!!

Hi Kerry,
I wanted to send this email by post to the website. For some reason, it isn’t going through when I forward it. Could you try taking the message you sent and send it to email address: cama447sova

I want to see if it works that way. It’s a great update and I want to highlight it.


Best Regards,

Brian D. Cummings
Advanced Manufacturing Dept. Head
MassCTE Executive Director
Worcester Technical High School
1 Officer Manny Familia Way
Worcester, MA 01605
Phone: (508) 751-7526
Cell: (508)688-7147

School Email: cummingsb
MassCTE Email: bcummings



On Thu, Apr 6, 2023 at 3:34 PM O’Brien, Kerry <kobrien> wrote:

This is the update I sent to the teachers today….

Kerry O’Brien

English Instructor

Shawsheen Valley Technical High School