MAVA Colleagues,
In the event you did not receive this directly, we are sharing this important information from Karen Ward, Executive Director of SkillsUSA Massachusetts.
Dear SkillsUSA Advisors and Partners,
We are re-sending this email with a date correction. Hands-on contests are April 30, 2021 (the text below read April 20, 2021 which is incorrect). The correct date for in-person contests is April 30, 2021. Our apologies for any inconvenience. The overview flier does have the correct date. We have again attached the overview document and price list for your convenience.
Happy Holidays! I hope this email finds our SkillsUSA Massachusetts community doing well and looking forward to the holidays and winter break. We wish each of you a joyous, restful and healthy holiday season. As we look forward to 2021, SkillsUSA Massachusetts has been hard to work preparing for the spring events and activities and this email will serve to provide you with as many details as possible regarding planned activities and the SkillsUSA Championships.
Let’s begin with some important updates and details on upcoming special events.
Item I. Senior Adventures in Leadership (SAiL)
We are very excited to announce that registration for the 2021 Senior Adventures in Leadership (SAiL) Conference is now open. To register go to our state website and click the SAiL REGISTRATION button in the top right corner of the header.
The SkillsUSA Massachusetts SAiL Conference is focused on our seniors and program completers who will graduate with seemingly limitless opportunities for quality employment largely due to the drastic skills gap in today’s workforce. However, to best serve our graduates, we, as an organization, must ask “has their education been effective at combining relevant workplace skills with CTE and academic standards?” SkillsUSA business partners and program graduates will help ensure the answer is “yes” by sharing several timely resources and experiences that support the framework of SkillsUSA’s mission, which includes personal, workplace, and technical skills grounded in academics – designed to assist our seniors and program completers with successful transition from CTE to college and careers ensuring every SkillsUSA member is Job-Ready, Day One.
Event Details:
SkillsUSA Massachusetts will set SAiL on February 11, 2021 – for this Virtual Event
Come join us for a jam-packed day of excitement and experiential learning as seniors and program completers develop personal, workplace and technical skills and discover development strategies for college and a career. Experiences will also include interactions with education, business and community leaders and opportunities for individual and team recognition.
$25.00 per person (students & Advisors)
Schedule for the Event
Thursday, February 11, 2021
8:00 AM – 8:30 AM – Pre-Session: music and SkillsUSA Ignite My Future
8:30 AM – 9:00 AM – Opening Session: State Officers: Setting the stage for graduation Framework skills
Featured Speaker: Peyton Holland, Executive Director, National Technical Honor Society
9:15 AM – 10:10 AM – Training Session I (small group sessions)
10:15 AM – 11:10 AM – Training Session 2 (small group sessions)
11:15 PM – 12:10 PM – LUNCH BREAK
12:15 PM – 1:10 PM – Training Session 3 (small group sessions)
1:15 PM – 2:10 PM – Training Session 4 (small group sessions)
Featured Workshops:
· Financial Literacy Workshop
· College and a Career #reallife Workshop
· Community Engagement for Life Workshop
· Your Best Foot Forward – Resumes & Cover Letters Workshop
2:15 PM – 2:45 PM – SkillsUSA Networking Opportunity
2:50 PM – 3:30 PM – General Session: State Officers: Closing Session and Graduation
Featured Speaker: Dr. Lynn Null, Small Business Management Coordinator, Great Plains Technology Center, Oklahoma
Item 2. 2021 MRE Challenge (Date: TBD)
SkillsUSA Massachusetts in partnership with the Massachusetts Army National Guard will be continuing our MRE Challenge in 2021. The event will be presented in a VIRTUAL LIVE format with all teams competing from their own Culinary Kitchens utilizing the ZOOM Platform. Dates and details are forthcoming. Get your teams together, this is sure to be an exciting event!
Item 3. Plans for the 2021 District and State Conferences and the SkillsUSA Championships
The Board of Directors met on Thursday, December 17, 2020 and the information provided below and attached represent the approved plans for our 2021 events and activities. Please read carefully and share the attached flier “Massachusetts Championships Overview_21” with all concerned to communicate our state association’s plans for the 2021 District & State Conferences and the SkillsUSA Championships. After the holidays many more details will be available concerning the specifics for each competition as we work toward the release of the 2021 Massachusetts Technical Standards.
It is critical that all Chapter Advisors READ the attached Massachusetts Championships Overview and share it with all who need this information.:
1. District Conferences Schedule: District 3: February 24, 2021, District 2: February 25, 2021, District 1: February 26, 2021, District 6: March 9, 2021, District 5: March 10, 2021, District 4: March 11, 2021
2. State Conference Schedule: Opening Ceremony (streaming at April 11, 2021, Virtual Competition Days: April 12, 14, & 16, 2021, Online Exams Competition Day: April 27, 2021, In-Person Competition Day: April 30, 2021, Delegate Assembly & State Officer Election: May 4, 2021, SkillsUSA Massachusetts Virtual Awards Night: A Digital Celebration of Skills #CELEBRATESKILLSMA (streaming at May 6, 2021
SkillsUSA Massachusetts has established deadlines for all events, applications and awards. The established schedule will be essentially the same as in all previous years. Below is an overview of deadlines.
· December 31, 2020 – 2021 State Pin, Tee-shirt and National Conference Tee-shirt
· January 29, 2021 – District Conference Registration Deadline (Registration will open on January 8, 2021 – Advisors will be sent refreshed logon credentials)
· April 1, 2021 – SUBMISSION DEADLINE: Advisor of the Year Applications, All Massachusetts Scholarships, National Delegate Applications & Selected Contests Submissions (refer to the 2021 State Technical Standards <to be published February 1, 2021> for details on specific contest submissions)
· April 2, 2021 – State Conference Registration Deadline (Registration will open on March 20, 2021 – Advisors will use the same logon credentials as Districts)
In addition to the Massachusetts Championships 2021 Flier, attached you will find an updated PRICE LIST for all spring 2021 events and activities. We hope the above and attached information are helpful to you as we begin our most busy and exciting season at SkillsUSA. Please feel free to reach out for assistance as we move along in our planning.
Again, Happy Holidays!
Karen E. Ward, CSD
(She, Her, Hers)
Executive Director
SkillsUSA Massachusetts, Inc.
250 Foundry Street
South Easton, MA 02375
P: (508) 230-1273 | C: (781) 666-8316
E-Mail: kward
Membership Hotline: (844) 875-4557
Membership Email: operators
SkillsUSA Massachusetts empowers its members to become world-class workers, leaders and responsible American citizens. SkillsUSA improves the quality of our nation’s future skilled workforce through the development of Framework skills that include personal, workplace and technical skills grounded in academics.
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Our mission is to provide a high quality education that is rigorous, relevant and meaningful to our students, is delivered in a safe, secure and supportive environment, and which results in academic, career and technical proficiency. This dynamic educational experience encourages students to seek excellence and to become lifelong learners who are equipped to compete successfully in an ever-changing global economy.
Greater New Bedford Voc-Tech High School is committed to ensuring equal educational opportunities for all students. The school does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, limited English proficiency, sex, disability, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, homelessness, immigration status, or veteran status in its education programs and activities, including admission to or employment in such programs or activities.